
  1. Chun Li, Jie Liu, Zhinan Guo, Han Zhang, Weiwei Ma, Jingya Wang, Xiaodong Xu, Liangbi Su, Black phosphorus saturable absorber for a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Er:CaF2, mid-infrared laser. Optics Communications, 2017, 406, 158-162.
  2. Anhua Wu, Bo Wang, Xiangyang Zhao, Tao Xie, Peiwen Man, Liangbi Su,A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev, Crystal growth of Sm0.3Tb0.7FeO3, and spin reorientation transition in Sm1-xTbxFeO3, orthoferrite. Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2017, 426, 721-727.
  3. Bin Liu(刘斌), Li-He Zheng(郑丽和), Qing-Guo Wang(王庆国), Jun-Fang Liu(刘军芳), Liang-Bi Su(苏良碧), Hui-Li Tang(唐慧丽), Jie Liu(刘杰), Xiu-Wei Fan(范秀伟)Feng Wu(吴锋), Ping Luo(罗平), Heng-Yu Zhao(赵衡煜), Jiao-Jiao Shi(施佼佼) Nuo-Tian He(何诺天) Na Li(李纳), Qiu Li(李秋),Chao Guo(郭超) Xiao-Dong Xu(徐晓东), Zhan-Shan Wang and Jun Xu(徐军). (2017). Diode-pumped laser performance of Tm:Sc2SiO5 crystal at 1971 nm. 中国物理b:英文版, 26(8), 189-192
  4. Yiguang Jiang, Benxue Jiang, Nan Jiang, Pande Zhang, Shuilin Chen, Xu Hu, Ge ZhangJintai Fan, Liangbi Su, Jiang Li, and Long Zhang, Effects of Deformation Rate on Properties of Nd,Y-codoped CaF2 transparent ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017.
  5. Hao Yu, Dapeng Jiang, Fei Tang, Liangbi Su, Saiyu Luo, Xigun Yan, Bin Xu, Zhiping Cai, Jingya Wang, Qiangwen Ju, Jun Xu. Enhanced photoluminescence and initial red laser operation in Pr:CaF2 crystal via co-doping Gd3+ ions. Materials Letters, 2017, 206, 140-142.
  6. X. Liu, K. Yang, S. Zhao, T. Li, C. Luan, X. Guo, B. Zhao, L. Zhang, L. Su, J. Xu, J. Bian. Growth and lasing performance of a Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal. Opt Lett. 2017, 42(13): 2567-2570.
  7. Liu X, Yang K, Zhao S, et al. Xinyang Liu, Kejian Yang, Shenzhi Zhao, Ming Li, Wenchao Qiao, Tao Li, Shuaiyi Zhang, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, Jun Xu, and Jintian Bian. High Repetition Rate All-solid-state Pulsed 2μm Laser Based on Selenide Molybdenum Saturable Absorber. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2017, (99): 1-1.
  8. Feng Xiong, Jinghong Song, Weiwei Lia, Bingchu Meia, Liangbi Su.Influence of sintering conditions on the microstructure and optical properties of Eu: CaF2 transparent ceramic. Materials Research Bulletin, 2017, 95, 138-145
  9. Qing-Guo Wang(王庆国), Liangbi Su(苏良碧), Jun-Fang Liu(刘军芳), Bin Liu(刘斌), Feng Wu(吴锋), Ping Luo(罗平), Heng-Yu Zhao(赵衡煜), Jiao-Jiao Shi(施佼佼),Yan-Yan Xue(薛艳艳), Xiao-Dong Xu(徐晓东), Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Piotr Solarz, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Zhan-Shan Wang(王占山), Intensities and spectral features of the 4I13/24I15/2 potential laser transition of Er3+ centers in CaF2–CeF3 disordered crystal. Hui-Li Tang(唐慧丽)and Jun Xu(徐军) Chin. Phys. B Vol. 26, No. 11 (2017) 114208.
  10. Feng Zhang, Yongjing Wu, Jie Liu, Siyuan Pang, Fengkai Ma, Dapeng Jiang,Qinghui Wu, Liangbi Su.Mode locked Nd3+ and Gd3+ co-doped calcium fluoride crystal laser at dual gain lines. Optics and Laser Technology 100 (2018) 294–297.
  11. FengKai Ma, DaPeng Jiang, Fei Tang, QingHui Wu, SiYuan Pang,Yan Liu, LiangBi Su.Modulated photoluminescence parameters of neodymium in Sr0.95Y0.05F2.05 laser crystal. Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7(9): 3231.
  12. Tongxin Wang, Weiwei Li, Jinghong Song, Yahua Fang, Zaichun Sun, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su.Morphology control of Sr5(PO4)3F nanoparticles synthesized through co-precipitation. Materials Letters 202 (2017) 131–133.
  13. 鞠强文, 梅炳初, 于浩, 钱小波, 王静雅, & 马凤凯. (2017). Pr3+,R: SrF2(R=Y, Gd)激光晶体光谱性能的研究. 无机材料学报, 32 (9), 943-948.
  14. Yiguang Jiang, Benxue Jiang, Nan Jiang, Pande Zhang, Shuilin Chen, Jintai Fan, Liangbi Su, Jiang Li,Long Zhang. Re-clustering of neodymium ions in neodymium, buffer ion-codoped alkaline-earth fluoride transparent ceramics. Crystengcomm, 2017, 19.
  15. LingChen Kong, Zhen Qiao, GuoQiang Xie, ZhiPeng Qin, BeiBei Zhao, Hao Yu, LiangBi Su, JinGui Ma, Peng Yuan, LieJia Qian. Spectroscopic characteristics, continuous-wave and mode-locking laser performances of Tm,Y:CaF2 disordered crystal, Optics Express, 2017, 25(18): 21267.
  16. Zhiwei Zhou, Weiwei Li, Jinghong Song, Guoqiang Yi, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su. Synthesis and characterization of Nd3+ doped SrF2 nanoparticles prepared by precipitation method, Ceramics International. 2017.
  17. Lulu Dong, Yan Xu, Yongping Yao, Qiangguo Wang, Shande Liu, Tingqi Ren, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, Yandong Peng and Marek Berkowski.Tunable laser operations in a Nd-doped SrLaAlO4 crysta], Rsc Advances, 2017, 7(80): 50961-50965.
  18. 刘荣荣,朱基千,刘军芳,王静雅,苏良碧,唐 飞,姜大朋,钱小波,吴庆辉.退火处理对Nd,Y:SrF2激光晶体结构缺陷的影响, 中国激光, 2017 (3): 170-175.
  19. Ling Liu, Jinghong Song, Weiwei Li, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su, Y. Wang. Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and optical properties of Mn: CaF2 transparent ceramics, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2017, 204, 345-349.
  20. JingJing Liu, Jie Liu, JiMin Yang, WeiWei Ma, QingHui Wu, LiangBi Su.Efficient mid-infrared laser under different excitation pump wavelengths. Optics Letters, 2017, 42(19): 3908.
  21. Jingjing Liu ,Jie Liu,Jimin Yang,Weiwei Ma, Qinghui Wu ,Liangbi Su.Efficient mid-infrared laser under different excitation pump wavelengthsa, OPTICS LETTERS, 2017, 42(19), 3908-3911.
  22. Václav Kubecek, Marek Vlk, Michal Jelínek, Miroslav Cech, David Vyhlídal, Fengkai Ma, Dapeng Jiang, Liangbi Su. Femtosecond Operation of Diode-pumped Nd,La:CaF2 and Nd,La:SrF2 lasers, OSA Laser Congress 2017.
  23. Pingsheng Yu, Liangbi Su, Wei Guo, Jun Xu. Broadband infrared luminescence in Bi-doped silicate glassDiode-pumped Kerr-lens. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, 464.34-38.
  24. Anhua Wu, Bo Wang, Xiangyang Zhao, Tao Xie, Peiwen Man, Liangbi Su,A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 426, 721-724.
  25. Yandang Wang, Kejian Yang, Shengzhi Zhao, Tao Li, Wenchao Qiao, Xiancui Su,Baitao Zhang, Jingliang He, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, Jun Xu, and Zijing Gao. Diode-pumped high-peak-power femtosecond Yb3+:(Gd 0.1Y0.9)2SiO5 laser at 1058.5 nm. Applied Physics Express, 2017, 10, 092701-1-092701-4.
  26. Hao Yu, Dapeng Jiang, Fei Tang, Liangbi Su, Saiyu Luo, Xigun Yan, Bin Xu, Zhiping Cai,Jingya Wang, Qiangwen Ju, Jun Xu. Enhanced photoluminescence and initial red laser operation in Pr:CaF2 crystal via co-doping Gd3+ ions, Materials Letters , 2017, 206, 140–142.
  27. Zhipeng Qin,Zhen Qiao, Guoqiang Xie, Peng Yuan, Jingui Ma,Liejia Qian, Dapeng Jiang, Fengkai Ma, Fei Tang, and Liangbi Su. Femtosecond and Dual-Wavelength Picosecond Operations of Nd,La:SrF2 Disordered Crystal Laser, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017. 9(2), 1502007.
  28. JunchiChen,YujiePeng,ZongxinZhang,HongpengSu,YuxinLeng,DapengJiang,FengkaiMa, XiaoboQian, FeiTang , LiangbiSu.Demonstration of a diode pumped Nd,Y co-doped SrF2 crystal based high energy chirped pulse amplification laser system, Optics Communications, 382 (2017) 201–204.
  29. K.J. Yang, T.L. Feng, S.Z. Zhao, C. Liu, T. Li, W.W. Ma, Z.T. Zou, Q.G. Wang, L.B. Su, P. Solarz, R. Lisiecki, J. Komar, J. Xu, L.H. Zheng*, W. Ryba-Romanowski**, Spectral and laser performance of a Tm3+:ScYSiO5 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 712 (2017) 412–417.
  30. S.D. Liu*, L.L. Dong, X. Zhang, Y.P. Yao, Y. Xu, T.Q. Ren, L.H. Zheng*, L.B. Su, M. Berkowski, Thermal, spectral properties and Q-switched laser operation of Nd:SrLaAlO4 crystal, Optical Materials, 64 (2017) 351 – 355.
  31. X. Liu, K. Yang, S. Zhao, T. Li, C. Luan, X. Guo, B. Zhao, L. Zheng, L. Su, J. Xu, and J. Bian, "Growth and lasing performance of a Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal," Opt. Lett. 42, 2567-2570 (2017).
  32. Y.D. Wang, K.J. Yang, S.S. Zhao, T. Li, W.C. Qiao, X.C. Su, B.T. Zhang, J.L. He, L.H. Zheng, L.B. Su, J. Xu, Z.J. Gao, Diode-pumped high-peak-power femtosecond Yb3+:(Gd0.1Y0.9)2SiO5 laser at 1058.5 nm,Applied Physics Express, 10 (2017) 092701
  33. A. Kausas, P. Loiseau, G. Aka, Y.Q. Zheng, L.H. Zheng, and T. Taira, Temperature stable operation of YCOB crystal for giant-pulse green microlaser, Optics Express, 25 (2017) 6431-6439.
  34. C. Luan, X.Y. Zhang, K.J. Yang, J. Zhao, S.Z. Zhao, T. Li, W.C. Qiao, H.W. Chu, J.P. Qiao, J. Wang, L.H. Zheng, X.D. Xu, J. Xu, High-Peak Power Passively Q-Switched 2-μm Laser With MoS2 Saturable Absorber, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23 (2017) 66-70.
  35. L.H. Zheng, A. Kausas, T. Taira*, Drastic thermal effects reduction through distributed face cooling in a high power giant-pulse tiny laser, Optical Materials Express, 7 (2017) 3214-3221.
  36. W.L. Tian, Z.H. Wang, J.F. Zhu, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu, Z.Y. Wei, Highly efficient and high-power diode-pumped femtosecond Yb:LYSO laser, Laser Physics Letters, 14 (2017) 045802.
  37. Lei Li, Maoyong Cao, Shande Liu, Yandong Peng , Lihe Zheng, Jun Xu. High-peak-power Nd:ScYSiO5 laser at 1355 nm pumped by a pulsed laser diode, Optik 140 (2017) 248–252.
  38. Weiwei Ma, Liangbi Su, *, Xiaodong Xu, Jingya Wang, Dapeng Jiang,Lihe Zheng, Jingjing Liu, Xiuwei Fan, Jie Liu, Jun Xu ,S.D. Liu, L.L. Dong, Improved 2.79 mm continuous-wave laser performance from a diode-end pumped Er,Pr:CaF2 crystal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 695 (2017) 3370-3375
  39. Jingxin Ding, Peiwen Man, Qinming Chen, Li Guo, Xin Hu, Yunyun Xiao,Liangbi Su, Anhua Wu, Yanyan Zhou, Fanming Zeng, Influence of Tb3+ concentration on the optical properties and Verdet constant of magneto-optic ABS-PZZ glass. Optical Materials 69 (2017) 202-206.
  40. Peiwen Man, Fengkai Ma, Tao Xie, Jingxin Ding, Anhua Wu, Liangbi Su,Huanying Li, Guohao Ren , Magneto-optical property of terbium-lutetium-aluminum garnet crystals. Optical Materials 66 (2017) 207-210.
  41. Tongxin Wang, Weiwei Li, Jinghong Song, Yahua Fang, Zaichun Sun, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su. Morphology control of Sr5(PO4)3F nanoparticles synthesized through co-precipitation, Materials Letters 202 (2017) 131–133.
  42. Xiaodong Xu, Zongwen Hu, Ruijuan Lic, Dongzhen Li, Juqing Di, Liangbi Su,Qiuhong Yang, Qinglin Sai, Huili Tang, Qingguo Wang, Adam Strzep, Jun Xu. Optical spectroscopy of Dy3+-doped CaGdAlO4 single crystal for potential use in solid-state yellow lasers, Optical Materials 66 (2017) 469-473.
  43. Yiguang Jiang, Benxue Jiang, Nan Jiang, Pande Zhang, Shuilin Chen,Qijun Gan, Ge Zhang, Jintai Fan, Xiaojian Mao, Liangbi Su, Jiang Li, Long Zhang. Perfectly transparent pore-free Nd3+-doped Sr9GdF21 polycrystalline ceramics elaborated from single-crystal ceramization, Journal of the European Ceramic Society , 35(2017) 4912.
  44. Pingsheng Yu, Liangbi Su, Wei Guo, Jun Xu. Photoluminescence and energy transfer progress in Er-doped Bi2O3-GeO2 glasses, Journal of Luminescence 187 (2017) 121–125.
  45. Xiaodong Xu , Zongwen Hu , Ruijuan Li , Dongzhen Li, Juqing Di, Liangbi Su, Qiuhong Yang , Qinglin Sai , Huili Tang , Qingguo Wang , Adam Strzep, Jun Xu. Polarized spectral properties of Sm:CaGdAlO4 crystal for reddishorange laser, Optical Materials 69 (2017) 333-338.
  46. Feng Zhang, Hua-Nian Zhang Dan-Hua Liu,Jie Liu, Feng-Kai Ma, Da-Peng Jiang.Si-Yuan Pang, Liang-Bi Su, and Jun Xu. Tunable Nd, La:SrF2 laser and passively Q-switched operation based on gold nanobipyramids saturable absorber, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 26, No. 2 (2017) 024205.