
  1. 葛平广,苏黎明,刘杰,郑丽和,苏良碧,徐军,王勇刚. A 1.7-ps pulse mode-locked Yb(3+):Sc2SiO5 laser with a reflective graphene oxide saturable absorber. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 01: 291-293.
  2. Jinfeng Li; Peng Gao; Lihe Zheng; LiangbiSu; Jun Xu; Xiaoyan Liang, Diode-pumped Yb:SSO chirped pulse amplifier with 1 ps pulse duration,Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 01: 63-66.
  3. 俞平胜,苏良碧,徐军. 掺杂的Bi4Ge3O12晶体的近红外发光性能. 发光学报, 2015, 03: 283-287.
  4. Qian Zhang; LiangbiSu; Dapeng Jiang; Fengkai Ma; Zhipeng Qin; Guoqiang Xie; Jiangang Zheng; Qinghua Deng; Wanguo Zheng; Liejia Qian; Jun Xu, Highly efficient continuous-wave laser operation of laser diode-pumped Nd,Y:CaF2 crystals, Chinese Optics Letters, 2015, 07: 75-78.
  5. 徐文斌,柴路,石俊凯,宋有建,胡明列,王清月,苏良碧,姜大朋,徐军. 两种国产新型掺Yb氟化物激光晶体的光谱特性研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 09: 2478-2482.
  6. Luan C; Yang KJ; Zhao J; Zhao SZ; Qiao WC; Li T; Feng TL; Liu C; Qiao JP; Zheng LH; Xu J; Wang QG; SuLB. Dual-loss-modulated Q-switched Tm:LuAG laser with AOM and monolayer graphene. Appl Opt, 2015, (54), 2, 8024-8029.
  7. Wei Caia; Jie Liu; Chun Lia; Hongtong Zhua; Pingguang Gea; Lihe Zheng; LiangbiSu; Jun Xu, Compact self-Q-switched laser near 2μm. Optics Communications. 2015, Vol.334,287- 289.
  8. Hongtong Zhu; Jie Liu; LiangbiSu; Dapeng Jiang; Xiaobo Qian; Jun Xu, Picosecond pulse generation from a Yb:CaF2–YF3 mode-locked laser. Laser Physics, 2015, Vol.25, No.4,045801.
  9. Yue Guo; Shunbin Lu; LiangbiSu; Chujun Zhao; Han Zhang; Shuangchun Wen, Z-scan measurement of the nonlinear refractive index of Nd3+, Y3+-codoped CaF2 and SrF2 crystals. Applied Optics, 2015, Vol.54, No.4, 953-958.
  10. Chun Li; Feng Zhang; Jie Liu; LiangbiSu; Dapeng Jiang; Jian Liu; Junfang Liu; Jun Xu, Continuous-wave and mode-locked operation of a diode-pumped Nd,La:CaF2 laser, Optical Materials Express, 2015, Vol.5, No.9, 1972-1978.
  11. Chun Lia; Mingwen Fana; Jie Liua; LiangbiSu; Dapeng Jiangb; Xiaobo Qianb; Jun Xu, Operation of continuous wave and Q-switching on diode-pumped Nd,Y:CaF2 disordered crystal. Optics and Laser Technology, 2015, Vol.69, 140-143
  12. Chun Li; Jie Liu; LiangbiSu; Dapeng Jiang; Xiaobo Qian; Jun Xu, Diode-pumped tri-wavelength synchronously mode-locked Yb,Y:CaF2 laser, Applied Optics, 2015, Vol.54, No.32,9509-9512
  13. Hongtong Zhua; Wei Caia; Jiafeng Weia; Jie Liua; Lihe Zhengb; LiangbiSub; Jun Xub; Yonggang Wangc,763 fs Passively mode-locked Yb:Y2SiO5 laser with a graphene oxide absorber mirror, Optics and Laser Technology, 2015, Vol.68, 120-123
  14. Yiran Wang; Chengcheng Liu; Jie Liu; Lihe Zheng; LiangbiSu; Jun Xu, 1.2 ps Kerr-lens self-mode-lockedYb:Y2SiO5laser, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2015. 47, No.8,2525-2531
  15. ZiyeGao; JiangfengZhu; Junli Wang; Zhiyi Wei; Xiaodong Xu; Lihe Zheng; LiangbiSu; Jun Xu, Generation of 33 fs pulses directly from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:CaYAlO4 laser, Photonics Research, 2015, Vol.3, No.6, 335-338
  16. Dapeng Jiang; Yaoyu Zhan; Qian Zhang; Fengkai Ma; LiangbiSu; Fei Tang; Xiaobo Qian; Jun Xu, Nd,Y:CaF2 laser crystals: novel spectral properties and laser performance from a controlled local structure.CrystEngComm, 2015, Vol.17, No.38,7398-7405
  17. Hongtong Zhua; Jie Liua; Shouzhen Jianga; Shicai Xua; LiangbiSub; Dapeng Jiangb; Xiaobo Qianb; Jun Xuc, Diode-pumped Yb,Y:CaF2 laser mode-locked by monolayer graphene, Optics and Laser Technology, 2015, Vol.75, 83-86
  18. Jiangfeng Zhu; Lijuan Zhang; Ziye Gao; Junli Wang; Zhaohua Wang; LiangbiSu; Lihe Zheng; Jingya Wang; Jun Xu; Zhiyi Wei, Diode-pumped femtosecond mode-locked Nd, Y-codoped CaF2 laser, Laser Physics Letters, 2015, Vol.12, No.3,035801
  19. Wei Caia; Shouzhen Jianga; Shicai Xua; Yaqi Lia; Jie Liua; Chun Lia; Lihe Zhengb; LiangbiSub; Jun Xub, Graphene saturable absorber for diode pumped Yb:Sc2SiO5 mode-locked laser, Optics and Laser Technology, 2015, Vol.65, 1-4
  20. Jiangfeng Zhu; Ziye Gao; Wenlong Tian; Junli Wang; Zhaohua Wang; Zhiyi Wei; Lihe Zheng; LiangbiSu; Jun Xu, Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Femtosecond Yb:GdYSiO5 Laser Directly Pumped by a Laser Diode, Applied Sciences, 2015, Vol.5, No.4, 817-824
  21. 武安华,赵向阳,王博,曹世勋. 稀土正铁氧体RFeO3晶体的生长及性能研究. 中国硅酸盐学会晶体生长与材料分会.第十七届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议摘要集.中国硅酸盐学会晶体生长与材料分会:,2015:1.
  22. Bo Wang; Xiangyang Zhao; AnhuaWua; Shixun Cao; Jun Xu; A.M. Kalashnikovae; R.V. Pisareve , Single crystal growth and magnetic properties of Sm0.7Tb0.3FeO3 orthoferrite single crystal, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015, 379, 192-195
  23. L. Zheng*, J. Ren, P. Loiseau, G. Aka, T. Taira, D. Rytz, > 1 MW peak power at 266 nm in nonlinear YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) single crystal, CLEO 2015, May 10th - 15th, 2015, San Jose, USA.
  24. T. Taira*, A. Kausas, and L. Zheng, "Lens-free microchip green laser at 1 kHz," in Nonlinear Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper NTu3B2. Nonlinear Optics 2015 Kauai, Hawaii United States, 26–31 July 2015, ISBN: 978-1-55752-001-2.
  25. Jinfeng Li, Peng Gao, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, Jun Xu, Xiaoyan Liang, Diode-pumped Yb:SSO chirped pulse amplifier with 1 ps pulse duration, Chinese Optics Letters, 13 (2015) 011403.
  26. R.V. Mikhaylovskiy 1,2 , E. Hendry 1 , A. Secchi 2 , J.H. Mentink 3 , M. Eckstein 3 , A. Wu 4 , R.V. Pisarev 5 , V.V. Kruglyak 1 ,M.I. Katsnelson 2 , Th. Rasing 2 & A.V. Kimel 2.Ultrafast optical modification of exchange interactions in iron oxides. [J] nature communications,2015, 10.1038 1-8.
  27. Lihe Zheng, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Gérard Aka, Juqing Di, Dongzhen Li, Xiaodong Xu, Jun Xu*, Crystal growth and spectroscopic properties of Praseodymium and Cerium co-doped Y2SiO5, Journal of Luminescence, 145, (2014)547-552.
  28. Yongguang Zhao, Shidong Zhuang, Xiaodong Xu, Jun Xu, Haohai Yu, Zhengping Wang, and Xinguang Xu, Anisotropy of laser emission in monoclinic, disordered crystal Nd:LYSO, Optics Express, 22, 3 (2014) 2228–2235 .
  29. Weiyang Ge, Hanxiao Liang, Jie Ma, Guoqiang Xie, Wenlan Gao, Peng Yuan, Liejia Qian, Xiaodong Xu, and Jun Xu, Wavelength-switchable mode-locked Yb:LuAG laser between 1031 nm and 1046 nm,Optics Express, 22, 3, (2014)2423-2428 .
  30. Li, N., Cong, Z.H., Qin, Z.G., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, W.T., Wang, C., Yu, H.H., Zhang, H.J., Xu, X.D., Xu, J. Continuous-wave and actively Q-switched laser operations at 1359.5nm of Nd:LYSO crystal,Optics & Laser Technology, 59, (2014)43-46.
  31. X. Li, G. Aka, L. H. Zheng, J. Xu*, and Q. H. Yang, Laser operation in Nd:Sc2SiO5 crystal based on transition 4F3/24I9/2 of Nd3+ ions, Opt. Mater. Express 4, (2014)458-463.
  32. Haohai Yu, Shuxian Wang, Shuo Han, Kui Wu, Liangbi Su, Huaijin Zhang, Zhengping Wang, Jun Xu, and Jiyang Wang, Efficient eye-safe neodymium doped composite yttrium gallium garnet crystal laser, Optics Letters 39, 6 (2014) 1341–1344.
  33. Adam Strzep, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Xiaodong Xu, Jun Xu, Juqing Di, Spectroscopic characterization of CaNb2O6 single crystal doped with Samarium ions, Optical Materials, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 February 2014.
  34. Anhua Wu, Jun Xu, Yanqing Zheng, Xiaoyan Liang Original Research Article, Crystal growth and application of large sizey YCOB crystal for high power laser, Optical Materials,In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 February 2014.
  35. Haibo Xing, Liangbi Su, Xiantao Jiang, Xiao Fan, Xiaobo Qian, Huili Tang, Jun Xu, Mid-infrared luminescence of Bi–Te series single crystals,Optical Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 17 January 2014.
  36. Zhipeng Qin, Guoqiang Xie, Jie Ma, Weiyang Ge, peng yuan, Liejia Qian, Liangbi Su, Peng Jiang, Fengkai Ma, Qian Zhang, Yuexin Cao, and Jun Xu, Generation of 103-fs mode-locked pulses by a gain linewidth-variable Nd,Y:CaF2 disordered crystal, Optic. Letters, 39, 7, (2014) 1737-1739.
  37. M Yulei Jia, Lihe Zheng, Jun Xu, and Zhiyi Wei, Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:LYSO laser with 61fs pulse duration, Optics Express 22, 16, (2014) 19040–19046.
  38. Michal Jelínek, Václav Kubecek, Liangbi Su, Dapeng Jiang, Fengkai Ma, Qian Zhang, Yuexin Cao and Jun Xu, Pulsed and continuous-wave laser operation of TGT-grown Nd,Y-codoped:SrF2 single crystal, Laser Phys. Lett. , 5(11), (2014)55001.
  39. J Hou, L H Zheng, J L He, J Xu, B T Zhang, Z W Wang, F Lou, R H Wang and X M Liu,A tri-wavelength synchronous mode-locked Nd:SYSO laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror, Laser Phys. Lett. 3(11), (2014)35803.
  40. J Liu, M W Fan, L B Su, D P Jiang, F K Ma, Q Zhang and J Xu*, Laser performance of diode-pumped Nd,Y-codoped CaF2–SrF2 mixed crystal, Laser Phys. 3(24), (2014)35802.
  41. Wenlong Tian, Zhaohua Wang, Long Wei, Yingnan Peng, Jinwei Zhang, Zheng Zhu, Jiangfeng Zhu, Hainian Han, Crystal growth and magnetic properties of GdFeO3 crystals by floating zone method
  42. L.H. Zheng, G. Aka*, A. Ikesue, Y. Aung, P. Loiseau, Laser transition on 4F3/24I9/2 and 4F3/24I11/2 in Nd:YAG core ceramics composites with Gaussian doping profile, 2013 Advanced Solid State Lasers Congress in France, October 28 – November 1, 2013.
  43. L.H. Zheng*, P. Loiseau, G. Aka, Diode pumped neodymium doped ASL (Sr1-xLax-yNdyMgxAl12-xO19) laser, Proc. SPIE 8786, Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2013: Optical Materials for High Power Lasers, 87860V (July 9, 2013). [Oral presentation]
  44. L.H. Zheng, G. Aka*, A. Ikesue, Y.L. Aung, P. Loiseau, J. Xu, Nd doped crystalline and ceramic composite host for blue laser based on SHG of 4F3/24I9/2 channel, The 6th International Symposium on Lasers, Scintillators and Non-Linear Optical Materials (ISLNOM-6, http://islnom-6.csp.escience.cn), oral presentation, Galaxy Hotel Shanghai, Shanghai, China, on Oct. 20-23, 2013. [Oral presentation]
  45. Lihe Zheng, Gérard Aka, Akio Ikesue, Yan Lin Aung, Pascal Loiseau, Jun Xu, BLUE LASER GENERATED IN ND:YAG CORE CERAMICS COMPOSITES, Accepted for oral presentation, 9th Laser Ceramics Symposium, Daejeon, Korea, to be held on Dec. 02-06, 2013.
  46. L.H. Zheng, R. Lisiecki, W. Ryba-Romanowski, G. Aka, J.Q. Di, D.Z. Li, X.D. Xu, J. Xu, Crystal growth and spectroscopic properties of Praseodymium and Cerium co-doped Y2SiO5, Journal of Luminescence, 145 (2014) 547–552.
  47. J. Hou, L.H. Zheng, J.L. He, J. Xu, B.T. Zhang, Z.W. Wang, F. Lou, R.H. Wang, X.M. Liu, A tri-wavelength synchronous mode-locked Nd:SYSO laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror, Laser Physics Letters, 11 (2014) 035803.
  48. X. Li, G. Aka, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu, Q.H. Yang, Laser operation in Nd:Sc2SiO5 crystal based on transition 4F3/24I9/2 of Nd3+ ions, Optical Materials Express, 4 (2014) 458-463.
  49. Y.Q. Li, J. Liu, H.T. Zhu, L.H. Zheng, L.B. Su, J. Xu, Y.G. Wang, Performance of diode-pumped Tm3+:Sc2SiO5 crystal passively Q-switched 2 μm laser, Optics Communications, 330 (2014), 151–154.
  50. T.L. Feng, S.Z. Zhao, K.J. Yang, G.Q. Li, D.C. Li, J. Zhao, W.C. Qiao, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu,Q.G. Wang, X.D. Xu, L.B. Su, Study on characteristics of diode-pumped continuous-wave tunable and passively Q-switched Tm:SSO laser, Applied Physics B, 117 (2014) 177-182.
  51. W.L. Tian, Z.H. Wang, L. Wei, Y.N. Peng, J.W. Zhang, Z. Zhu, J.F. Zhu, H.N. Han, Y.L. Jia, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu, Z.Y. Wei, Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:LYSO laser with 61fs pulse duration, Optics Express 22 (2014) 19040-19046.
  52. H.W. Chu, S.Z. Zhao, K.J. Yang, Y.F. Li, D.C. Li, G.Q. Li, J. Zhao, W.C. Qiao, X.D. Xu, J.Q. Di, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu, Experimental and theoretical study of passively Q-switched Yb:YAG laser with GaAs saturable absorber near 1050 nm, Optics & Laser Technology, 56 (2014) 398-403.
  53. W. Tian, Z. Wang, Z. Wei, J. Zhu, L. Zheng, and J. Xu, "Generation of 61fs pulse from a diode-pumped Yb:LYSO laser with SESAM for mode-locking," in CLEO: 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper SM4F.5.
  54. V. Aleksandrov, H. Iliev, A. Trifonov, L. Zheng, J. Xu, L. Su, and I. C. Buchvarov, "Passive Mode Locking of a Diode Pumped Nd:Sc0.2Y0.8SiO5 Laser," in CLEO: 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper JTu4A.127.
  55. Qin, Z. P.; *Xie, G. Q.; Ma, J.; Ge, WY ; Yuan, P; Qian, LJ; *Su, LB; Jiang, DP; Ma, FK;et al.,Generation of 103 fs mode-locked pulses by a gain linewidth-variable Nd,Y:CaF2 disordered crystalOPTICS LETTERS : 39 : 7 : 1737-1739 出版年: APR 1 2014
  56. Xing, Haibo; *Su, Liangbi; Jiang, Xiantao; 等,Mid-infrared luminescence of Bi-Te series single crystals OPTICAL MATERIALS, : 36 : 12 : 1982-1985 出版年: OCT 2014
  57. Jelinek, Michal; Kubecek, Vaclav; *Su, Liangbi; 等,Pulsed and continuous-wave laser operation of TGT-grown Nd, Y-codoped : SrF2 single crystalLASER PHYSICS LETTERS : 11 : 5 文献号: 055001 出版年: MAY 1 2014
  58. W B Xu, *L Chai1, J K Shi, M L Hu, C Y Wang, *L B Su, D P Jiang and J Xu, Operational characteristics of a LD-pumped novel Yb,Y:CaF2 mode-locked laser using a SESAM, Laser Phys. Lett. 11 (2014) 115816
  59. F K Ma, Q Zhang, D P Jiang, L B Su, Y J Shao, J Y Wang, et al., Spectroscopic, dielectric properties and local structure observation by EXAFS for Nd,Y:CaF2 crystal, Laser Phys. 24 (2014) 105703
  60. *Liu, J.; Fan, M. W.; *Su, L. B.; ,Laser performance of diode-pumped Nd, Y-codoped CaF2-SrF2 mixed crystal LASER PHYSICS : 24 : 3 文献号: 035802 出版年: MAR 2014
  61. Haibo Xing; *Liangbi Su; Xihong Chen; Xiao Fan; Xiantao Jiang; Feng Wu; Xiaobo Qian; Jun Xu Broadband mid-infrared luminescence of Bi2Se3 and doped crystals Laser Physics, 24(3), p 035701, 2014/1/17
  62. Katrin Sarah Wentsch, Birgit Weichelt, Lihe Zheng, Jun Xu, Marwan Abdou Ahmed, and Thomas Graf, Continuous-wave Yb-doped Sc2SiO5 thin-disk laser, Opt. Lett. 37 (2012) 37-39.
  63. L.M. Su, Y.G. Wang, J. Liu, L.H. Zheng, L.B. Su, and J. Xu, Double-wall carbon nanotube absorber for passively mode-locked Yb3+:Sc2SiO5 laser, Laser Physics Letters 9,2 (2012)120-125.
  64. X.F. Yang, Y. Wang, D.Y. Shen, T. Zhao, X.D. Xu, D.H. Zhou and J. Xu, Efficient Er:LuYAG laser operating at 1648 and 1620 nm, Laser Physics Letters 9,2 (2012)131-134.
  65. Q. Yang, Y.G. Wang, D.H. Liu, J. Liu, L.H. Zheng, L.B. Su, and J. Xu, Dual-wavelength mode-locked Yb:LuYSiO5 laser with a double-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber, Laser Physics Letters, 9,2 (2012) 135-140.
  66. K.J. Yang, S.Z. Zhao, G. Zhang, K. Cheng, G.Q. Li, D.C. Li, J.L. Xu, J.L. He, L.H. Zheng, F. Wu, Q.G. Wang, L.B. Su and J. Xu, Diode-pumped continuous wave operation and passively Q-switched performances of a Nd:Sc2SiO5 laser crystal at 1.08 microns, Laser Physics Letters, 9,1 (2012) 10-14.
  67. J. Liu, Y.G. Wang, Z.S. Qu, L.H. Zheng, L.B. Su, and J. Xu, Graphene oxide absorber for 2μm passive mode-locking Tm:YAlO3 laser, Laser Physics Letters 9,1 (2012) 15-19.
  68. H. Chen, D.Y. Shen, X.D. Xu, T. Zhao, X.F. Yang, D.H. Zhou and J. Xu, High-power 2.1 μm Ho:Lu1.5Y1.5Al5O12 laser in-band pumped by a Tm fiber laser , Laser Physics Letters 9,1 (2012) 26-29.
  69. A.A. Kaminskii, X. Xu, O. Lux, H. Rhee, H.J. Eichler, J. Zhang, D. Zhou, A. Shirakawa, K. Ueda and J. XuHigh-order stimulated Raman scattering in tetragonal CaYAlO4 crystal-host for Ln3+-lasant ionsLaser Physics Letters 9,4 (2012) 306-311.
  70. Qingguo Wang, Liangbi Su, Lihe Zheng, Hongjun Li, Huili Tang, Xin Guo, Dapeng Jiang and Jun Xu* ,Growth and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Er-Doped CeF3–CaF2 Disordered Crystals ,Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95, 3 (2012)972–976.
  71. Dahua Zhou, Xiaodong Xu, Xueyuan Chen, Haomiao Zhu, Dongzhen Li, Juqing Di, Changtai Xia, Feng Wu and Jun Xu,Crystal growth and spectroscopic properties of Er3+-doped CaYAlO4, physica status solidi (a),209, 4, (2012)730–735.
  72. Qingguo Wang,Liangbi Su,Hongjun Li,Lihe Zheng,Xiaodong Xu,Feng Wu,Huili Tang,Dapeng Jiang,Guoxing Qian,Jun Xu*, Near-infrared broadband luminescence of Yb-doped PbClF crystals, Journal of Luminescence,132, 9, (2012)2224–2227.
  73. Wang Qing-Guo,Su Liang-Bi,Li Hong-Jun,Xiong Wei,Yuan Hui,Zheng Lihe,Xu Xiao-Dong,Wu Feng,Tang Hui-Li,Jiang Da-Peng, J. Xu*, Growth and spectroscopic characteristics of Nd-doped PbWO4 crystal,Chinese Physics B,21,5(2012)54217.
  74. U. C. Rodewald, L. Zheng, B. Heying, X. Xu, L. Su, J. Xu, and R. PocttgenRare Earth Site Preference in the Doped Laser Host Material Sc2SiO5. A Single-Crystal X-Ray Study Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B,A Journal of Chemical Sciences67b,(2012)113-117.
  75. Junjie Chen, Xianfeng Chen, Yanzhi Ma, YuanlinZheng, Anhua Wu, Hongjun Li, Linwen Jiang, Jun Xu, Measurement of second-order nonlinear optical coefficients of BaMgF4, Journal Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29, 4 (2012) 665-668.
  76. Yanzhi Ma, Junjie Chen, YuanlinZheng, and Xianfeng Chen, Anhua Wu, Hongjun Li, Linwen Jiang, Jun Xu, Three-photon absorption and nonlinear refraction in BaMgF4 at wavelength 400nm, Applied Optics, In Press.
  77. K. J. Yang, H. Bromberger, D. Heinecke, C. Kolbl, H. Schafer, T. Dekorsy, S. Z. Zhao, L.H. Zheng, J. Xu, and G. J. ZhaoEfficient continuous wave and passively mode-locked Tm-doped crystalline silicate laserOptics Express20, 17(2012)18630–18635.
  78. Liangbi Su, Hengyu Zhao, Hongjun Li, Lihe Zheng, Xiao Fan, Xiantao Jiang, Huili Tang, Guohao Ren, Jun Xu*, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Radoslaw Lisiecki, and Piotr Solarz Near-infrared photoluminescence spectra in Bi-doped CsI crystal: evidence for Bi-valence conversions and Bi ion aggregationOptical Materials Express2, 6(2012)757–764.
  79. S.D. Liu, L.H. Zheng, J.L. He, J. Xu, X.D. Xu, L.B. Su, K.J. Yang, B.T. Zhang, R.H. Wang, and X.M. LiuPassively Q-switched Nd:Sc0.2Y0.8SiO5 dual-wavelength laser with the orthogonally polarized outputOptics Express, 20, 20(2012)22448-22453.
  80. Lianghong Yu, Xiaoyan Liang, Jinfeng Li, Anhua Wu, Yanqing Zheng, Xiaoming Lu, Cheng Wang, Yuxin Leng, Jun Xu, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu,Experimental demonstration of joule-level non-collinear optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification in yttrium calcium oxyborate, Optics Letters , 37, 10(2012)1712.
  81. Xiantao Jiang, Liangbi Su, Xin Guo, Huili Tang, Xiao Fan, Yaoyu Zhan, Qingguo Wang, Lihe Zheng, Hongjun Li, and Jun Xu, Near-infrared to mid-infrared photoluminescence of Bi2O3-GeO2 binary glasses,Optics Letters, 37, 20(2012) 4260-4262.
  82. Katrin Sarah Wentsch, Lihe Zheng, Jun Xu, Marwan Abdou Ahmed, and Thomas GrafA passively mode-locked Yb3+:Sc2SiO5 thin-disk laserOptics Letters37, 22(2012)4750-4752
  83. Ming Zhao, Lihe ZhengJun Xu, Mode-locked Tm,Ho:YAP laser around 2.1 μm Optics Express, 20, 20(2012).
  84. Jiangfeng ZhuWenlong Tian,Zhiyi Wei,Lihe Zheng,Liangbi Su,Jun Xu, Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Yb:GYSO laser generating 324 fs pulses at 1091 nmOptics Letters37, 24(2012)5190.
  85. 胡克艳, 徐军*, 汪传勇, 李红军, 邹宇琦, 杨秋红. 泡生法生长掺碳钛宝石激光晶体的研究. 无机材料学报, 27,12 (2012)1321-1324
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  88. 姜大朋;苏良碧;徐军;唐慧丽;吴锋;郑丽和;王庆国;郭鑫;邹宇琦;.Cr,Mg:GSGG晶体生长、光谱性能及Cr4+形成机理的研究,物理学报,2012,(03)
  89. 葛文琦;柴路;胡明列;王清月;苏良碧;李红军;郑丽和;徐军;.镱钠共掺氟化钙锁模激光器产生190 fs光脉冲,物理学报,2012,(01)
  90. 曲遵世;王勇刚;刘杰;郑丽和;苏良碧;徐军;Passively mode-locked 2-μm Tm:YAP laser with a double-wall carbon nanotube absorberChinese Physics B6,(2012)。
  91. 赵鹤玲;夏海平;罗彩香;徐军;Bi离子锗铌酸盐红外发光玻璃的研究,物理学报,2012,(4)
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