- [2019-04-08] 以上游靶点为基础的新型抗心律失常药设计理念和研发
- [2019-04-03] Optical ceramics and technologies developed in Nizhny
- [2019-04-03] Transparent ceramics made of truly nano-scaled particels
- [2019-03-27] Femtosecond opto-magnetism: cold writing at the edge of time
- [2019-03-26] Optical harmonics generation in magnetic dielectrics and semiconductors
- [2019-03-26] Impact of strong picosecond THz pulses on dielectrics and semiconductors
- [2019-03-20] SEMINAR
- [2019-03-20] Novel laser and magneto-optical materials at the Institute of Applied Physics,RAS
- [2019-03-20] Reactive SPS processing and porosity characterization of ND3+:YAG transparent ceramics
- [2019-03-20] The methods of diagnostics of novel optical materials used in the Institute of Applied Physics RAS