Low cost fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by a novel single-stage route
Low cost fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by a novel single-stage route
Prof. Edmondo Gilioli
Professor of material science in Institute of Materials for Electronic and Magnetism, CNR, Italy
2013年4月18日(星期四)3:00 PM
二号楼 607会议室
Edmondo Gilioli教授于1993年获博洛尼亚大学应用化学博士学位,目前为意大利国家研究理事会(CNR)电子和磁性材料研究院(IMEM)教授,材料与能源应用研究组组长,在低成本高效薄膜太阳电池和高温超导薄膜材料方面取得了一系列丰硕的研究成果,在相关领域发表论文75篇,并取得多项专利。
摘 要
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) is commonly considered the most promising material for thin film photovoltaic applications, for its efficiency exceeding 20% at the laboratory scale, the absence of toxic elements and the possibility to fabricate devices on curved/flexible substrates. However, due to the complexity of the phase diagram, the production of CIGS-based solar cells is typically realized adopting costly multi-steps processes, based on co-evaporation or co-sputtering, often followed by a high temperature selenization process.
In order to simplify the deposition process, a relatively new growth technique has been developed at IMEM-CNR, based on the Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) process. The PED technique is based on a high-energy pulsed electron beam that collides onto a target, causing its ablation and the subsequent condensation of evaporating species onto a substrate.
The main scope of this presentation is to describe the solutions that have been found to control some of the aspects affecting the PV cell performance:
- CIGS composition (typical problem of chemically complex materials);
- surface roughness and droplet density (typical feature of high energy pulsed technique);
- Na supply.
By adopting these solutions, cells with efficiency exceeding 15% at remarkably low temperature (< 300 °C) can be reproducibly obtained, thus indicating the PED as a very promising technique for the cost effective fabrication of CIGS-based thin film solar cells on a large variety of substrates. Finally, the ongoing activity at IMEM-CNR towards the Cd-free “all-PED” CIGS based solar cells and the use of flexible substrates will be presented.