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Molecular Imaging with Peptides, Proteins, and Nanoparticles

The State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


  Molecular Imaging with Peptides, Proteins, and Nanoparticles


  Prof Weibo Cai

  University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA



  联系人: 施剑林2712


  The Molecular Imaging and Nanotechnology Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (http://mi.wisc.edu/) is mainly focused on three areas: 1) development of multimodality molecular imaging agents; 2) nanotechnology and its biomedical applications; and 3) molecular therapy of cancer. In this talk, I will present our recent work on molecular imaging of cancer and various cardiovascular diseases with peptides, proteins, and a variety of nanomaterials. The primary imaging techniques used in these studies are positron emission tomography (PET), optical imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Three of the major molecular targets that we are investigating are CD105 (i.e. endoglin), VEGFR, and integrin αvβ3. The nanomaterials that will be discussed in this presentation include nano-graphene oxide, zinc oxide nanomaterials, unimolecular micelles, silica-based nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, among many others. A few representative side projects will also be presented, such as the facile synthesis of PET/MRI dual-modality agents.


  Dr. Weibo Cai is an Associate Professor of Radiology and Medical Physics (with Tenure) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of California, San Diego in 2004, and did his postdoctoral research at the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford University. In February 2008, Dr. Cai joined the University of Wisconsin - Madison as a Biomedical Engineering Cluster Hire, and his research there has focused on molecular imaging and nanotechnology (http://mi.wisc.edu/).

  Dr. Cai has authored over 140 peer-reviewed articles, 17 book chapters, and more than 160 conference abstracts. In addition, he has edited 2 books. Dr. Cai has won many prestigious awards, including the Society of Nuclear Medicine Young Professionals Committee Best Basic Science Award (2007), the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program IDEA Award (2011-2014), the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Springer Prize (2011 & 2013), European Association of Nuclear Medicine Eckert & Ziegler Abstract Award (2012), American Cancer Society Research Scholar (2013-2017), among many others. Dr. Cai has served on the editorial boards of >20 scientific journals, performed peer review for > 100 journals, participated in many grant review panels, and chaired sessions at multiple international conferences. Prof. Cai is currently the Executive Editor of the American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (http://www.ajnmmi.us), which was launched in 2011 and is currently fully indexed in PubMed.

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