The State Key Lab of
High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
报告题目:Novel Multiferroic Composites for Reconfigurable Microwave and Electronic Devices
报 告 人: 刘明 教授
时 间:6月10日 (星期二)上午10:00
地 点:2号楼607会议室
In the past decade, the ever-increasing demand for faster, smaller and ultra-low power electronics has propelled the exploration of controlling the magnetic states by using an electric field (E-field) instead of a magnetic field. Very recently multiferroics, simultaneously exhibiting ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism, have caught much interest due to the capability of controlling magnetism by applying electric field through magnetoelectric (ME) coupling. In this talk, I will present remarkable E-field manipulating magnetism in various multiferroic composites, aiming at the creation of novel compact, lightweight, energy-efficient and tunable microwave devices and electronic devices. First of all, E-field control of microwave performance was demonstrated in many ferrite/ferroelectric and magnetic-metal/ferroelectric composites, showing a giant FMR tunable range with very narrow FMR linewidth. Then E-field manipulation of magnetoresistance in multiferroic anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices will be discussed and utilized to realize low-power electronic devices. At the end, E-field control of exchange-bias thus deterministically switching magnetization will be demonstrated in antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic/ferroelectric (AFM/FM/FE) multiferroic heterostructures at room temperature, indicating an important step toward magnetoelectric random access memories (MERAMs). As a multi-functional and energy-efficient material, multiferroic compoistes containing strong ME coupling is ready to deliver all kinds of low-power tunable microwave and electronic devices.
刘明,西安交通大学电信学院教授,“腾飞”特聘教授,博士生导师。2010年毕业于美国东北大学 (Northeastern University) 电子与计算机工程系,获得电子工程博士学位。同年获得美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)主任博士后基金(Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship)的资助,开展博士后研究。2012年受聘于美国空军研究实验室,任职研究科学家。2013年9月,全职回到西安交通大学电子陶瓷与器件教育部重点实验室&国际电介质研究中心担任教授。刘明博士的研究领域为复合多铁材料与器件,主要研究方向为新型高频微波器件与自旋电子元器件。在基础理论研究发面,通过选择合成新型外延纳米异质结和超晶格,从自旋电子态角度出发在原子层面探索新颖且丰富的磁电耦合现象以及自旋电子耦合。在器件应用发面,基于多铁性复合材料,发展了可应用于雷达、航天和军事等领域的多功能可调高频微波器件,为下一代低功耗、微型化、响应快、易集成的新型磁电微波器件的开发奠定了基础。迄今为止已在国外重要学术期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,其中以第一作者发表的论文包括Advanced Materials,Advanced Functional Materials,Scientific Reports 等。论文引用超过1000次,第一作者文章(Adv. Funct. Mater.19,1826-1831(2009)) 入选 Advanced Functional Materials 十年10篇杰出优秀论文,并被重新刊印在其十年纪念增刊上。刘明博士多次担任本领域国际顶级学术会议分会主席,并多次做学术邀请报告和口头报告。