曾宇平 研究员
邮箱: yuping-zeng@mail.sic.ac.cn
1980.9-1983.7 江西上饶师范学院化学系,学士学位;
1990.9-1993.7 中国科技大学材料科学与工程系,材料化学,硕士学位
1994.9-1998.3 中科院上海硅酸盐研究所,博士学位。
1993.7-1994.7 浙江宁波天明电子有限公司,项目经理;
1998.3-1998.6 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,助理研究员;
1998.6-1998.11 德国爱朗根-纽纶堡大学,访问学者;
1998.11-2000.12 日本九州工业技术研究所,JSPS fellow;
2000.01-2002.12 德国马普金属研究所,Max-Planck Fellow;
2003.1-2005.3 日本工业技术综合研究所,客员研究员;
2005.3-2005.7 上海硅酸盐研究所,副研究员,上海市“浦江人才”;
2005.07-至今 上海硅酸盐研究所,研究员,博士生导师。


Jinwei Yin,Yuping Zeng, Dongxu Yao, Yongfeng Xia, KaihuiZuo. Enhanced properties of Cu/Sn alloy-matrix composites reinforced with β-silicon nitride whiskers. J. Mater. Res. 2014, 29(6):770-777.
Jinwei Yin,Dongxu Yao, Yongfeng Xia, KaihuiZuo, Yuping Zeng. Enhanced thermal conductivity of Cu matrix composites reinforced with Ag-coated β-Si3N4 whiskers. Mater. Des. 2014, 60: 282–288
Jinwei Yin, Dongxu Yao, Hailong Hu, Yongfeng Xia, KaihuiZuo, Yuping Zeng. Improved mechanical properties of Cu matrix composites reinforced with β-Si3N4 whiskers. Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 2014, 607: 287–293.
TaoWan, DongxuYao, HailongHu, YongfengXia, KaihuiZuo, YupingZeng, Fabrication of porous Si3N4 ceramics through anovel gelcasting method, Materials Letters, 2014,133:190–192.
Kai-Hui Zuo, Li-Min Lu, Dongliang Jiang, The mechanical properties of β-Si3N4 whiskers reinforced dental resin composites, J Applied polymer science,2014,131(17) 40692(1-5).
Chunjiang Zhang, Yongfeng Xia, Kaihui Zuo, Yu-Ping Zeng, The Effect of Silica Addition on the Microstructure and Properties of Polyethylene Separators Prepared by Thermally Induced Phase Separation, J Applied polymer science, 2014, 131(17), 40724(1-6).
Dongxu Yao, YongfengXia, Kai-huiZuo, DongliangJiang, JensGünster,Yu-PingZenga, JürgenG.Heinrich, The effect of fabrication parameters on the mechanical properties of sintered reaction bonded porous Si3N4 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014, 34:3461–3467.
Hai-Long Hu, Dong-XuYao, Yong-FengXia, Kai-HuiZuo, Yu-PingZeng, Fabrication and mechanical properties of SiC reinforced reaction-bonded silicon nitride based ceramics, Ceramics International, 2014,404:739–4743.
Hai-Long Hu, Yu-PingZeng, Yong-FengXia, Dong-XuYao, Kai-HuiZuo, High-strength porous Si3N4 ceramics prepared by freeze casting and silicon powder nitridation process, Materials Letters1, 2014,33:285–288.
Hai-Long Hu, Dong-Xu Yao, Yong-Feng Xia, Kai-Hui Zuo, and Yu-Ping Zeng, Porous Si3N4/SiC Ceramics Prepared via Nitridation of Si Powder with SiC Addition, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 2014,11 [5] :845–850 ().
L. Hou, K. H. Zuo, Qingbo Sun, Z. M. Ren, Y. P. Zeng, X. Li, Effects of external magnetic field on morphology and magnetic property of BiFeO3 particles prepared by hydrothermal synthesis, Applied Physics Letters, 2013:102, 082901.
Porous Si3N4 ceramics prepared via partial nitridation and SHS, Dongxu Yao, Yongfeng Xia, Kai-hui Zuo, Dongliang Jiang, Jens Günster, Yu-Ping Zeng,Jürgen G. Heinrich, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2013,33:371–374.
Li-min Lu,Yu-Ping Zeng, Kai-hui Zuo,Fabrication and properties of surface-modified β-Si3N4 whiskers reinforced dental resin composites,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2013,128:41-46.
Qingbo Sun,YupingZeng, KaihuiZuo, DongliangJian, Alkali tuning phases and morphologies of Ni2+ doped In2O3 nanocrystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 2011,324:1–6.
Qingbo Sun, Yuping Zeng, and Dongliang Jiang, Controlling magnetic properties of Fe3+ doped indium oxide nanocubes by atmospheric annealing method, J App. Phy. 2011,110:083922.
Qingbo Sun, Yuping Zeng, and Kaihui Zuo, Different magnetic properties of rhombohedral and cubic Ni2+ doped indium oxide nanomaterials, AIP Advances 1, 2011,042102.
Dongxu Yao, Yu-Ping Zeng, Kai-Hui Zuo, and Dongliang Jiang, The Effects of BN Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Si3N4/BN Ceramics Prepared Via Nitridation of Silicon Powder, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2011, 94 [3] :666–670.
Kai-hui Zuo, Yuan zhang, Dongliang Jiang and Yu-Ping Zeng, Gradient porous hydroxyapatite ceramics fabricated by freeze casting method, Materials Science and Engineering, 2011,18:182011.
Yongfeng Xia, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Mechanical and dielectric properties of porous Si3N4 ceramics using PMMA as pore former, Ceramics International,2011, 37: 3775–3779.
Qingbo Sun, Yuping Zeng, and Kaihui Zuo, Ni2+ Doped Indium Oxide Nanocubes: Doped Contents Inducing Transferring of Their Intrinsic Magnetisms, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011,11:1–4.
Kai Hui Zuo, Yuan Zhang, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Pore-forming agent induced microstructure evolution of freeze casted hydroxyapatite, Ceramics International, 2011,37:407–410.
Dongxu Yao, Yongfeng Xia, Yu-Ping Zeng, Kai-hui Zuo, Dongliang Jiang, Porous Si3N4 ceramics prepared via slip casting of Si and reaction bonded silicon nitride, Ceramics International,2011, 37 :3071–3076.
姚冬旭, 曾宇平, 反应烧结法制备高强度多孔氮化硅陶瓷, 无机材料学报, 2011, 26(4)1-5.
Kai Hui Zuo, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dong Liang Jiang ,Effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol Additive on the Pore Structure and Morphology of the Freeze-cast Hydroxyapatite Ceramics, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2010,30:283-287.
Kai Hui Zuo, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dong Liang Jiang, Effect of cooling rate and polyvinyl alcohol on the morphology of porous HAP ceramics , Materials and Design, 2010,31:3090-3094.
Li Jing, Kaihui zuo, Zhang Fuqiang, Xu Chun, Fu Yuanfei, Dongliang Jiang, Yu-Ping Zeng, The controllable microstructure of porous Al2O3 ceramics prepared via a novel freeze casting route, Ceramics International, 2010,36:2499-2503.
Jing Li, Kaihui Zuo, Wenjuan Liu, Yu-Ping Zeng, Fu-Qiang Zhang, Dongliang Jiang,Porous Al2O3 Prepared via Freeze Casting and Its Biocompatibility,Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications, 2010, 537–543.
Linlin Ren, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, The improved photocatalytic properties of P-type NiO loaded porous TiO2 sheets prepared via freeze tape-casting, Solid State Sciences, 2010.12(1):138-143.
Yongfeng Xia, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Dielectric and mechanical properties of porous Si3N4 ceramics prepared via low temperature sintering, Ceramics International ,2009,35:1699–1703.
Shifeng Liu, Yu-ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Effects of CeO2 addition on the properties of cordierite-bonded porous SiC ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2009,29 :1795–1802.
Yuan Zhang, Kaihui Zuo, Yu-Ping Zeng, Effects of gelatin addition on the microstructure of freeze-cast porous hydroxyapatite ceramics, Ceramics International, 2009,35 :2151–2154.
Linlin Ren, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang , Preparation of porous TiO2 by a novel freeze casting, Ceramics International 2009,35:1267–1270.
Linlin Ren, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activities of Ag-deposited porous TiO2 sheets, Catalysis Communications 10 (2009) 645–649.
Dewei Chu, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, and Yoshitake Masuda, Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Transition Metal Doped TiO2 Nanowires, Science of advanced Materials Vol. 1, 1–3, 2009,1-3.
Shifeng Liu,Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang. Effects of CeO2 addition on the properties of cordierite-bonded porous SiC ceramics. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2009, 29: 1975-1802.
Shifeng Liu,Yu-ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang. Fabrication and characterization of cordierite-bonded porous SiC ceramics. Ceram. Int., 2009, 35 (2): 597-602.
Yu-Ping Zeng, Andre Zimmermann, Fritz Aldinger, Dongliang Jiang,Effect of organic additives on the zeta potential of PLZST and rheological properties of PLZST slurries, J.Eur.Ceram. Soc., 28 (2008) 2597–2604.
Kai Hui Zuo, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Properties of microstructure-controllable porous yttria-stabilized ziroconia ceramics fabricated by freeze casting,Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 2008, 5,2 , 198.
DeWei Chu, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Abnormal phase transition and magnetic properties in Cu, Fe co-doped In2O3 nanocrystals, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008,92,182507.
Dewei Chu,Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Zhongming Ren,Weili Ren,Junhu Wang,Tao Zhang, Structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Fe-doped In2O3 nanocubes,J. Mater. Res., 2008,23.
Linlin Ren, Yu-Ping Zeng, Dongliang Jiang, Preparation of Porous TiO2 Sheets by Aqueous Tape,Casting and their Photocatalytic Activation,Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 2008,5,505-512.
S.Q.Ding, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Fabrication of Mullite Ceramics With Ultrahigh Porosity by Gel Freeze Drying, J.Am.Ceram.Soc.,2007,90(7):2276-2279.
S.Q.Ding, S.M.Zhu, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Fabrication of mullite-bonded porous silicon carbibde ceramics by in situ reaction bonding,Journal of European Ceramic Society,2007,27:2095-2102.
S.Q.Ding, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Oxidation bonding of porous silicon nitride ceramics with high strength and low dielectric constant, Materials Letters,2007,61(11-12):2277-2280.
S.Q.Ding, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Thermal shock behaviour of mullite-bonded porous silicon carbide ceramics with yttria addition,J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys.,2007,40:2138-2142.
K.H.Zuo, D.L..Jiang, J.X.Zhang and Q.L.Lin,Forming nanometer TiO2 sheets by nonaqueous tape casting,Ceramics International,2007,33:477-481.
K.H.Zuo, D.L..Jiang, Q.L.Lin and Y.P.Zeng,Improving the mechanical properties of Al2O3/Ni laminated composites by adding Ni particles in Al2O3 layers, Materials Science and Engineering A,2007, 443:296-300.
D.W.Chu, Y.P.Zeng, D.L.Jiang and Z.M.Ren,Tuning the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Fe doped In2O3 nanocrystals, Appl.Phys.Lett.,2007,91:262503.
D.W.Chu, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Controlled growth and properties of Pb2+ doped ZnO nanodisks, Materials Research Bulletin,2007,42:814-819.
D.W.Chu,Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Solution-Based,High-Yield Synthesis of Cobalt-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanorods, J.Am.Ceram.Soc.,2007,90(7):2269-2272.
D.W.Chu, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Synthesis of Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Co-Doped ZnO Nanocrystals under a High Magnetic Field,J.Phys.Chem.C,2007,111(16):5893-5897.
L.L.Ren,Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Fabrication of Gradient Pore TiO2 Sheets by a Novel Freeze-Tape-Casting Process, J.Am.Ceram.Soc.,2007, 90(9):3001-3004.
丁书强,曾宇平,江东亮,原位反应结合碳化硅多孔陶瓷的制备与性能,无机材料学报,2006,21(6): 1397-1403.
S.Q.Ding, S.M.Zhu, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Effect of Y2O3 addition on the properties of reaction-bonded porous SiC ceramics,Ceram. Int.,2006,32(4):461-466.
S.Q.Ding, Y.P.Zeng and D.L.Jiang, Thermal shock resistance of in-situ reaction bonded porous silicon carbide ceramics, Mater. Sci. & Eng. A,2006,45(1-2):326-329.