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Osteoimmunomodulation in the development of bone substitutes


  Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 


  Osteoimmunomodulation in the development of bone substitutes  

  SpeakerProf. Yin Xiao 

  (Queensland University of Technology) 





  The important role of immune cells in regulating bone formation and remodelling has been recognized recently. This knowledge has a significant impact on the paradigm shift in the development of bone substitutes from an inert to an osteoimmunomodulatory material, highlighting the important role of immune cells. The current study has systematically investigated the interactions between bone cells and immune cells, with an emphasis on how immune cells affect bone dynamics in relation to the development of bone substitutes. The importance of osteoimmunomodulation in the assessment and development of advanced bone biomaterials has been demonstrated by the surface coating, materials composition, and the release of ions in the local environment. The phenotypic changes of macrophages significantly direct the differentiation and recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells in the biomaterials induced osteogenesis. The information generated from the study will help to develop new biomaterials with osteoimmunomodulatory property for bone regeneration. 

  Personal information: 

  Dr. Xiao is currently a Professor at Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and a group leader of Bone and Tissue Engineering research program. He obtained his BDSc and MDSc from Wuhan University, China, and has 10 years clinical experience. In 2000, he graduated with a PhD from School of Dentistry at the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. He worked as a research officer at UQ for two years following his graduation and an NHMRC Research Fellowship at the School of Life Sciences at QUT from 2003. In 2005 and 2012 he was appointed an Associate Professor and Professor, respectively in Bone Biology and Tissue Engineering at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at QUT. He is currently the Director of Australia-China Centre for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (ACCTERM). In the past five years, he has attracted more than $4.5 million in research funding from nationally competitive grant schemes and other research foundations (e.g. NHMRC, ARC, QUT Seeding grants, QUT commercial funding from QUT Bluebox, ITI foundation and TPCH foundation). Professor Xiao’s work has predominantly focused on the fields of bone biology, biomaterials, stem cells, dentistry, osteoarthritis, and tissue regeneration/engineering. He has published two edited books, 10 invited book chapters and more than 170 journal papers. In the last five years, Professor Xiao’s citation index (h-index: 34) has risen significantly with more than 3400 citations.     


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