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Processing of Controlled Macro and Microporous Ceramics. Applications to Bone Substitutes and Functional Composites


  Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 


  报告题目:Processing of Controlled Macro and Microporous Ceramics. Applications to Bone Substitutes and Functional Composites

  报告人:Prof. Anne Leriche 




  Biography of Prof. Anne Leriche 

  Anne Leriche was born in Soignies (Belgium) in 1959. She was followed the Latin-Greek program in secondary school and got the diploma to access the University (1977) with honours. She got the Master Science Chemistry with honours in 1981, the Doctorate of Sciences with honours in 1986 at the State University of Mons and the diploma in “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in 1992 at the University of Valenciennes (France). She was successively Belgian PhD bursary from IRSIA from 1981-1983, researcher at the Belgian Ceramic Research Centre in Mons from 1983 to 1989, responsible of R&D of NEOCERAM, a starting SME involved in the fabrication of oxide advanced ceramics by pressing and slip casting. Since 1990, Anne Leriche is researcher at the Laboratoire des Matériaux Céramiques et Procédés Associés” from the University of Valenciennes.  She has been Professor since September 1994 and Director of the laboratory including 30 researchers since September 1999. During her career, she followed up to 15 thesis, participated to several European projects and published 60 papers. She is President of the French Ceramic Society, President of the European Ceramic Society and Member of the Belgian Ceramic Society Board. She is also Member of the International Academy of Ceramics. 

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